Sunday, June 26, 2011


I did a post a while ago that was a sort of class assignment in school. It was about social media and twitter vs. facebook. A recent tweet by Epictweets inspired this post. She tweeted: "Facebook: where you lie to your friends, Twitter: where your honest with strangers"

The truth of that tweet resonated with me. There's something about tweeting that feels anonymous, false sense of security of course, always be cautious about anything you write online. Famous line from the movie "The Social Network": "The internet is in ink, you can't erase it." Aaron Sorkin has a way with words.

Here's some of my fave tweets:

@wblunderfield "Weekly Will-ism: Get so focused on giving your gift that you have no time to judge yourself or anyone else"

@disney "When you're curious you find lots of interesting things to do. And one thing it takes to accomplish something is courage.--Walt Disney"

@epictweets "Don't agree with abortion? Don't get one.Don't agree with gay marriage? Don't have one. Don't like your rights being taken away. Don't take away anyone elses."--epic tweets has a lot of awesome tweets, she lives up to her moniker.

@stevemartin "STEVE MARTIN IS REALLY OILED AND BUFF! OMG, my twitter account was just hacked." -- What a weirdo ;-p

Not gonna lie sometimes the 140 characters limit is a real b!&*h. I don't think twitter is the future. I don't think facebook disconnects us. I just find it all amusing, and facebook on your birthday is the like the best hug ever!

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